Inner Renovations Project

Ending the Reign of Fear-Based Living

Things happen so quickly. The mind processes information and responds to stimuli at rates so fast we can’t even keep up with it. There’s no conscious participation in making the heart beat, causing the blood to circulate or sensing things in our environment. It occurs in all its complexity, guided by intelligence beyond our own and without our input; making us living and functioning Beings.

Why then, is it such a scary idea for us to trust that things will be okay? Even if we do not stress or obsess about it, it will be okay. Even if we do not divulge all of our fears and doubts to a listening ear, it will be okay. Why is it so hard to trust that once we’ve done everything we can do to resolve a situation, even if we put it down and walk away from it for a while, it will still be okay…

The problem is, we have Selective Faith. It’s like selective hearing when a person seems to only hear the bits and pieces they want to hear; or selective memory where an individual seems to only remember what’s convenient for them. Someone with Selective Faith is strong-minded and confident when they can see the solution in sight or a feasible plan in line to resolve a problem; but breaks down and moves into fear-based living when they don’t know how things are going to work out and haven’t yet seen any resolution on the horizon. These people often talk about how good and all-powerful God is in one breath, yet complain that they don’t see a way out of their problems in the next. Those who are not believers may still exhibit Selective Faith because even if they feel there is no God, they claim to believe in the power of themselves and their mind in one breath, yet express panic at the sight of oncoming trouble in the next.

Fact is, we’re still here. We’ve been face to face with death before (whether we know it or not), yet we’re still here. We’ve been terrified to the point that we thought the bottom would fall out of life at any moment, yet we’re still here. Many of us come from backgrounds and cultures where there were tremendous attempts in centuries past to extinguish the fires of future generations, yet, we are still here. Not because of our own doing; But because there is an Ever-Presence in our lives, the same that keeps the heart beating without our help, keeps blood flowing without our help. The same that was there for our ancestors and that will be there for the children that carry our DNA a thousand years from now.

Don’t let “Faith” become cliché to you. Don’t let the severe overuse of the word cause you to forget its essence. Always remember the reason that it should permanently, not selectively, be a part of your life experience. It is through the faith of those before us and their connection with Our Creator, that We are still here.

In a thousand years, we will be “The Ancestors.” Regardless of how many bills we have to pay, regardless of the pressure we are subjected to, regardless of the opinion of others; Let’s make sure we do our part by living consistently empowered lives so that our strength continues to be passed to the future as those in our past have done for us.

 ~ CCB

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