Inner Renovations Project

Surprise, You’re Human

Nobody is perfect.  This isn't news.  Yet, when we make mistakes, we hold ourselves to the most ridiculous standards of perfection.  As if you're never supposed to feel awkward, or have an embarrassing moment, or mess up really really badly sometimes.  If people could hear the way you talk to yourself in your head, I… Continue reading Surprise, You’re Human

Inner Renovations Project

When We Were Super Heroes

Dig deep and find that “S” emblem that you used to wear on your chest. Supermen and Superwomen must rediscover themselves through the eyes of their childhood. Only from this place will there be a rejuvenation of the pure hope and uncut faith that is needed to reach the new goals that you will begin setting for yourself. Move forward with the idea that what you want is already a part of your destiny; and all you must do is travel the path to reach your already blessed future.

Inner Renovations Project, Poetry & Musings


It was under there the whole time. I took it for dead, not looking past the wooden casing that symbolized that its work had been done, its battle had been won. But not the war. Maybe a part of me wanted it to be over, to lay it to rest. I was exhausted and so… Continue reading youth.